How to eat well during breastfeeding ?
Breastfeeding requires special attention to your diet. Why ? Because what you eat influences the quality and composition of breast milk, which is a reflection of your food intake.
Eat well ... good for you, and for baby !
Your body is an incredible machine! Naturally, it ensures the production of excellent quality breast milk, perfectly suited to your baby's nutritional needs. Even if it means going to dig into your reserves.
While breastfeeding, keep going by keeping a diet close to the one you had during your pregnancy. No need to increase the quantities, you just need to eat a diversified and balanced diet, while ensuring certain nutritional intakes to cover your baby's growth needs.
Did you know that the taste of breast milk varies depending on the food you eat? This is an original way to introduce babies to a whole range of flavors very early!
Nature is so well made that there are so-called galactogenic foods and plants, that is to say that promote the rise of milk. On the program: fennel, cumin, almond ...
Your 3 allied nutrients during breastfeeding
- Fatty acids
Essential for the good development of baby and the maintenance of your form, essential fatty acids, in particular omega 3, must be brought by food because your body cannot synthesize them. Look for them in fatty fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel, etc.) and preferably raw vegetable oils (rapeseed oil, flax, etc.).
- Calcium
The recommendations are to consume 4 dairy products per day (milk, yogurts, fromage blanc, cheeses, etc.). Also think of mineral water rich in calcium (150 mg / l minimum) and vegetable versions: spinach, broccoli, lentils, almonds…
- Iron
To avoid fatigue and to replenish your postpartum reserves, bet on red meat, fish and legumes which are sources of iron.
Other wise counsel
Also take care to drink enough, simply because your milk is made up of about 75% water! So remember to drink regularly during and between meals: water, herbal teas, soups…
Prohibited? The same as during pregnancy: alcoholic beverages and tobacco, since alcohol and nicotine can be found in breast milk.
As for medicines, which pass into breast milk, do not take them without medical advice.
Sources :
PNNS : Le guide nutrition de la grossesse, Edition 2015
L'Allaitement : De la naissance au sevrage, Marie Thirion