Food diversification
So, your baby is growing up and it's finally time for weaning. We're here to help you enjoy this magical time with your baby by providing support and guidance through this taste adventure. Are you ready to explore what's possible when it comes to passing on a taste for the good things in life to your little one?
Weaning (or, simply put, introducing solid food) involves arousing your baby's curiosity and stimulating their senses with exploration of flavours and textures. It's also a chance to spend an unforgettable time with your baby as every meal is a unique time of discovery and togetherness.
Whether you choose homemade food, an occasional pre-prepared dish, 100% pre-made baby food or baby-led weaning, the best approach to weaning is the one you choose!

All children grow up at their own pace. Some babies can start the fun of weaning at four months, while others take six months to begin. Whatever happens, keep a close eye on your baby and consider discussing weaning with your paediatrician, who will be able to advise you.
In the first 36 months of life, your baby will have specific and evolving needs. It's important to adjust their diet and introduce foods gradually. This way, they can discover all the nuances of each flavour and texture, while getting their nutritional needs met. Baby can have great fun eating delicious vegetables, naturally sweet fruit, creamy milky puddings, crunchy little biscuits and melting little morsels! To find out what you need to know, follow this guide with the French National Nutrition and Health Programme's recommendations for each key stage in your baby's development here.
And don't forget that milk (breast milk or baby formula) will be their main food until they're three years old.

If you want to bring baby up with a healthy, tasty and nature-friendly diet, you need to take a responsible approach to what they eat.
There are many reasons to go organic, including for wellbeing and the environment. Organic ingredients meet strict criteria guaranteeing agricultural practices that maintain biodiversity and protect the environment more effectively. Choose organic and your baby's diet will make a little more sense.
A sustainable diet also means local food! By promoting local agriculture, we encourage farming nearby and help to make sure French producers earn a good living. There's nothing like local produce to tickle baby's taste buds.

Our little French business is an expert in organic baby food. It helps develop babies' alertness with authentic flavours and a diet with a "homemade" feel.
All our products are made in France and abide by infant food and organic farming regulations. This guarantees your baby high-quality products that protect the environment. Having created French organic subsidiaries for over 25 years, we're committed to local procurement with mostly French ingredients, all with total transparency for parents looking to give their babies the very best. We also carefully select our ingredients to give you delicious recipes with authentic flavours that showcase the delights produced by our land.
What better way to tickle baby's taste buds and pass on a love of the good things in life than by feeding them parsnip from France's central region, apple and carrot from the south-west or courgette from the south-east?

With over 150 delicious recipes covering every moment of the day, no matter your baby's age, you can enjoy each feed as a unique moment.
Baby can enjoy new flavours and textures on this great weaning adventure with our infant formulas, infant cereals, sponge fingers, delicious biscuits, little pots (fruit, vegetables and yogurts), plate and bowl meals, and fruit and dairy pouches that can be taken anywhere.